Member Priscilla Douglas Elected Chair of Boston Public Library’s Board of Trustees

1024 819 Olivia Sayah

MWF Member and current Board Vice President, Priscilla H. Douglas, was unanimously elected Chair of the Board of Trustees, Boston Public Library [BPL] on March 23, 2021. Handing the “virtual gavel” the former Chair Bob Gallery remarked that “Priscilla is the right person at the right time” to lead this venerable institution. Together the 15 Trustees are diverse and emblematic of Boston, which is a majority minority city. And for the first time, with Vice Chair Evelyn Arana Ortiz and Clerk Pamela Carver the three officers of the Trustees are women.  Founded in 1848, the BPL is the oldest library in the United States, and its mission is to advance knowledge “free to all”. The library has always been a place to discover, develop and dream.  Priscilla is honored to step into this role during this dynamic time.


Olivia Sayah

All stories by: Olivia Sayah